Wow the sun is bright on the equator in Kenya, Africa.
This is where our home will be for the next three years.
Everything takes longer in Africa... we finally are getting to the updates here.
This will be more of a photo entry that tells the story.
When we arrived our water source tested positive for E-coli; so in goes the bleach.
Did I say I'm getting use to the taste of bleach?
Yes, bleach is our "friend" it keeps us from getting sick. We do boil and filter all our drinking water,
and wash all dishes and vegetables in a bleach rinse. Wonder if that is why my hair is turning white?
Now travel here is a "ride" that most amusement parks would be envious of...
Actually this dirt road is better than the pot-holed tar road, until it rains that is...
I have been in vehicles that have broken down several times, and have no doubts why? We will be purchasing a vehicle in the near future, hope I can find a "monster truck", or at least a good used land rover. For most distance travel we will need to fly, as Lori did to attend a nursing conference near Nairobi. She learned a great deal about African medicine, including some things I hope she never has to practice on me.
Suturing Practice?
And there is no xylocaine at the clinic...
While Lori was away, I attended the KIST Board of Governors' meeting and met the Church of God leaders from Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.
Rev. Dismus Mofulu (TZ), Dr. Byrum Makokha (KE), and Rev. David Ojule (UG)
These men have amazing stories of ministry in their countries and appreciate the training of leaders that happens here at KIST.
Well, I need to publish this post before heading to chapel.
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