Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our level of support needed for our mission in Africa is at 3% today. In just a few months that needs to be 100% pledged and our start-up budget full rasied, which only has a couple hundred dollars in it now. We are encouraged by this beginning response to our support raising letters that went out two weeks ago and we thank all who have responded.
We will be traveling to Evergreen, Colorado for a family gathering over this coming weekend, celebrating my niece Denera's Graduation from High School. We are hoping Lori's mother will be able to be there, the cancer she has is beyond control and is affecting her breathing among other things. We keep her in our prayers and she needs the Lord's presence in her life now.
This will be a good break from our - sort, pack, or sell - routine - oh yes, there has been the Goodwill and garbage part to this as well. "Stuff" from 17 years of living keeps appearing and we have about a month to have this all completed.

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