Lori's mother passed away soon after we returned from our visit to Colorado. It was a blessing to have just been with her there, and we saw how fast her physical health was failing. We spent the first week of June in Casper, Wyoming with Lori's family. Michelle and Kaylee, Andrew, Kiana, and Austyn all made the trip out with us for the Memorial Service and visiting of family. Lori's friend from her youth, Tami Rudkin (Smothers) was able to officiate the service held at the Highland Park Church of God. Adam and Aaron where in military training and not able to attend.
Upon coming back to Cedar Rapids, Andrew and I loaded up a trailer to take what we want to store in our Minnesota cabin up there. It was a quick trip to mow the property and unload the stuff to store. Andrew couldn't resist putting a hook in the lake and he released a nice bass.
Upon our return, I began working in the Healing the Heartland festival management. Serve the City organization representing over 40 different ministry groups provided a weekend of ministry and concert activities which conservatively ministered to over 12,000.
The third week of June was moving week, we thought we had downsized lots, but we still have more than what we should store. The dumpster was over loaded, Adam and Michelle took lots of our stuff for a sale their having in the next week, and there were still too many trips to the new home.